
February 2011
This week we are very excited to unveil the Blueberry Muffin and its delectable muffin entourage! There is a muffin for everyone in this tasty bunch, from banana to apple-bran, and once you've mastered one kind, you're in the know. Each recipe uses the same master ingredients with different flavorings to make the whole muffin making process run smoothly for even the most scattered baker. (That would be me.)

Ashley has even simplified the muffin process from the ones she made last year, making them, at long last, good enough to pass along to you. We hope you like them.

Being the non-baker of the two of us, I have struggled to keep up with all the treats she has taught me to make, preferring instead, to nurse a soup pot, but here are some ideas to keep the baked goods coming:

The idea here is production. Your kitchen isn't a factory, but it can sure seem like one at times. It occurred to me the other day that it takes just as much work to mix, stir, and clean dishes for one batch of muffins, bread, rolls, etc as four batches. With an average of 15 minutes extra work, you can save hours.

So get that tub of sour cream from Costco, and let's get baking. There's chocolate, peanut butter, corn...

Once the extra muffins are mixed up, you can freeze the batter and store them in a zipper bag. (Instructions are in the recipe). Then it's only a matter of choosing which combination of muffins you want to bake, and you're in business.

As for bread and rolls, I like to freeze them already baked and thaw them on the counter when I'm ready to use them. Trust me, there is nothing more comforting than six dozen rolls tucked snuggly into the freezer. No impromptu dinner invitation will ever again ruin my Sunday relaxation...

The other tip we have for you is variety. One kind of muffin is nice, but several are more useful. Since all the batters are essentially the same, it doesn't take long to vary the recipe from one type of muffin to the next. In the end, you have go to items for all your needs with a minimal amount of work. Hey, Ashley and I have kids. We know how it is to try to keep food on the table when someone is always screaming, running around, or trying to "help." For your sanity and ours, remember: variety and production. Good luck!


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